I booked a private tour to Hue with Madarin speaking guide and it was wonderful and detail focused. Our guide An arranged a local food experience for us which was amazing, and she introduced us history of Vietnam and answered our question and curiosity at her best. And thanked to the driver who drove safely and comfortably.
Xuan Tu 旅行社的順化一日遊安排得相當舒適、順暢,導遊小安出發前一一確認我們的想法安排景點,路途中有順路的且風景優沒的景點也會建議我們去走走,也安排我們去吃當地餐廳和食物,詳細解說景點和相關的故事,而且全行程沒有額外購物。當天司機大哥開車相當穩,很舒服,相當舒適的乘車經驗。
Traveller: Yi-Fen L from Tripadvisor